Get out of the lift and then immediately take a left behind the elevator. Take the cargo lift down like the game wants you to do and make your way down to the lower level of the bay. You need to wait until you get the objective to “Engage the Cargo Crane.” At this point, you can start your quest to locate the Peng Treasure. Specifically, you want to enter the Cargo Bay, which is a part of the story mission in chapter 11. Once you do, you can head back to the chapter one area. This is quite a long way off if you just started playing, so simply make your way through the story until you reach chapter 11. It’s technically located in the first chapter of the game, but players won’t be able to actually retrieve it until chapter 11. Surprisingly, you don’t have to be in the game long before you can be in the same area as the Peng Treasure.

The Peng Treasure in Dead Space Remake Provided by EA