He joined with his brother Luigi in Mario Bros in 1983, but it was Super Mario Bros that really put Mario in the limelight.

Mario originally debuted in the arcade smash hit Donkey Kong in 1981, though he was known at the time as Jumpman. Nearly everyone knows about Mario and many people in all walks of life remember the groundbreaking NES platformer Super Mario Bros from 1985. post to recap the history of this game and series, but I went pretty skimpy on the words in that original entry and so it’s time to make up for it here. Normally I would refer to the Super Mario Bros. This is also the first sequel covered on the blog! Despite significantly changing the style from the original game, this one is a classic NES game and a must play for anyone who may have passed on it back in the day. I was pleasantly surprised to see Super Mario Bros. You can already tell the game play will be a bit different!